City of Johannesburg bursary – The City of Johannesburg (CoJ) is committed to fulfil its socio-economic mandate by
providing training opportunities in the form of financial assistance to community recipients, within the Johannesburg metropolitan area, who intend pursuing academic studies at a recognised TVET College and / or HET Institution in South Africa.
The bursary is for qualifications that are a minimum duration of one year of full-time study.
CoJ Bursary Study Options
The CoJ is offering bursaries to South African youth, who permanently reside in
Johannesburg, to pursue full-time undergraduate studies in the following technical and vocational study fields
- Artisan
- Manufacturing
- Computer Systems
- Network and System Administration
- Construction
- Plumbing
- Data Management
- Software Developer
- Electrical
- Sports Management
- Information Technology/Security
- Web Developer
- Machining
- Welding
CoJ Bursary Eligibility Criteria
- In order for your application to be considered for the CoJ bursary for 2023, you must meet the criteria set out below:
- Selection of successful candidates will be strictly on academic merit.
- Applicants are expected to study at an accredited South African tertiary institution.
- It is the student’s responsibility to seek admission with a tertiary institution.
- The bursary is for qualifications of no less than one year.
- The bursary is renewable annually, based on academic performance/results.
- The bursary is not applicable for post graduate qualifications
City of Johannesburg Bursary Value
Tuition and registration fees, prescribed books and/or study material and is limited to the amount of R 35,000.00 per academic year.
How To Apply?
Apply for the City of Johannesburg bursary via
To view the bursary circular click here
Bursar Contact Details
Should you have inquiries relating to the bursary contact Mr Baloyi on (011) 407 6979
Closing Date
The closing date for applications is 21 November 2023