There are many cases where people apply for university admission or even a job but do not have original matric certificate because they lost it. As much as this happens so often, we discourage it for a number of reasons.
When you apply for a job or college admission you are basically competing against others who have all required documents including original matric certificate. This reduces your chances of admission.
The best thing to do to save yourself repeated rejection is to re-apply for a matric certificate replacement.
How Do I Get Original Matric Certificate?
The Department of government that is responsible for re-issuing of your original matric certificate is the Department of Basic Education of South Africa.
Where Can I Get My Unclaimed Matric Certificate?
As unbellievable as it may sound but it is true, there are people who have not claimed their original matric certificates. Some of these individual completed high school with very good marks.
The process of requesting Unclaimed Matric certificate is exactly the same as that lost or damaged one. The process stipulated on this article is for both scenario.
How To Does It Take To Re-issue Lost Matric Certificate?
When you follow the process via the Department of Basic Education, it will take you four to six weeks to have your matric certificate back. This may sound long enough but is better than getting rejected because you do not have one.
The Process
You must visit government’s eservice on and submit your applications for the replacement of your matric certificate. You will be required to first register to become a user before you can apply.
You will have to wait for a period of at least four to six months for your matric certificate replacement to be sent back to you
Documents Needed To Apply For The Replacement of Matric Certificate
For your application to get original matric certificate back to be processed, your application must be accompanied by the following documents:
Your Identity Document (certified copies)
Affidavit stating the reasons for applying for the replacement
How Much Do I Pay For The Replacement of Matric Certificate?
In South Africa the matric certificate replacement will cost you an amount of R141.00. This amount must be paid by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or direct bank deposit. You can also make this payment of R141.00 by means of ATM deposit.
Lost Matric Certificate Contact Number
The contact number for the national office is 012 312 5845 or 6 or 7
- Eastern Cape Province Number: 043 604 7709/73
- Free State Province Number: 051 404 8000
- Gauteng Province Number: 011 355 0588
- KwaZulu-Natal Province Number: 031 327 0538/0331
- Limpopo Province Number: 015 290 7747/7830
- Mpumalanga Province Number: 013 766 0033
- Northern Cape Province Number: 053 839 6585
- North West Province Number: 018 384 3100/51
- Western Cape Province Number: 021 467 2483